Category Archives: Warner

Information specific to the Warner sections of the trail.

Ribbon Cutting Sept 27th for Warner Rail Trail at Bagley Field

Warner Rail Trail entrance at Bagley Field
Please join us Saturday, Sept 27th at 10 am for a ribbon cutting ceremony to celebrate the new Warner Rail Trail section at Bagley Field.

We will have a brief ceremony, followed by coffee, cider and snacks, and an optional group walk on the trail.

Thank you to Warner DPW, the Parks and Rec crew, and the many volunteers who made this project happen!

Sponsored by Warner Parks and Recreation


Funding for the trail was made possible in part by Nancy Sibley Wilkins Trust, the Anonymous fund of the NH Charitable Foundation and HEAL NH, and private donations.


Half mile of brush cleared at Bagley Field in Warner

Bagley field trail before and after

Before, during, and soon to be…

Thanks to all the folks who helped clear this first section of trail at Bagley Field in Warner, near the site of the old Bagley rail station. The next step is to do some leveling in the loop section and prepare the bed for hard pack surface. When we finish, we will have a scenic one mile loop that starts and ends to the right of the Bagley Field entrance gate. A beautiful place to stroll by the river, take a warm up run, or get a birds eye view of the soccer games.