Author Archives: Jason Mutschler

2018 Rail Trail Projects

Friends of the Concord-Lake Sunapee Rail Trail was awarded an RTP grant by the NH Bureau of Trails to improve the surface of the Stevens Rail Trail in Hopkinton and create a smooth stonedust multiuse path from the end of the Stevens Rail Trail to route 103 in Warner by exit 7. In some places the trail held up well, but decades of deferred maintenance of the old drainage ditches have made a mess in other places.  Look for improvements to the trail to start happening this fall with the whole 2 mile project complete before the snow flies.

Additionally we are excited to start working on our first section of trail in Bradford.  Friends of the Concord Lake Sunapee Rail Trail partnered with the Lake Sunapee Snowmobile Club and the Rural Heritage Connection of Bradford to create this extension of the Tilley Wheeler Trail including a new bridge parallel to the rt 103 crossing over Lake Todd.  Steel for the bridge arrived in early October and should be placed soon.  The bridge will then be decked and the trail built from High St to the bridge on one end and from Church St to the bridge on the other.


October Board Meeting: Oct 15 4pm

CLSRT board meetings are open to the public.  Please join us at Sugar River Bank 2 W Main St Warner, NH starting at 4pm on October 15th.

Draft agenda: Approve minutes of August 13th board meeting.
Financial report
Remaining action items on improved trail sections
Planning for year end fundraising.
Updates on upcoming projects.

Facebook Event

2017 Warner Fall Foliage Festival

Come to the festival and check out our progress on a new section along the Warner River that takes you to Dalton covered bridge.  We’ll also have the booth setup at the corner of Church st and Kearsarge Mountain Rd.  Stop by for more information about the trail or if you would like to volunteer for a shift register here.

Warner Fall Foliage Festival:

Brush Clearing: Joppa rd to Depot st Warner 9/16 9am

We need to clear brush and trim back branches in preparation of applying stone dust to the trail.  Bring loppers, cutters, chain saw, pole saw, gloves, bug spray.

Meet at Joppa Rd near the Dalton Covered Bridge in Warner.  Park along the west (wooded) side of the road.  Please do not park on the east side of the road adjacent to the field as this is private property and provides the fire department access to the river.  Wear long pants/boots as there is some poison ivy present on this section.

Concord Conservation Commission Meeting 9/13 7:00pm

Concord Residents: Show your support for the Concord- Lake Sunapee Rail Trail by attending the upcoming Concord Conservation Commission meeting on 9/13/2017 at 7:00pm.  On the schedule is a discussion on the possible purchase of a portion of the old rail grade from PanAm railroad.  More information about the meeting including the full agenda can be found here: